After struggling to get a job with the likes of Comedy Central and HBO the 26-year-old funny-man decided to take matters into his own hands.

Holding a massive sign which reads: "Laughter guaranteed" he now offers to tell passersby jokes for $1 each and surprisingly it seems to be paying off.

Schneider earned $140 in his first six hours and has since gained international media coverage about his his pay-per-laugh joke telling.

Here's one of his jokes "Did you see MIT students invented a robot that can play video games? Yeah, even their inventions are virgins" -- if you laughed, send him a dollar.Speaking to Newslite about how he ensures people get a laugh for their dollar, Schneider says he tests out his jokes with random strangers on the subway on the way to the park.

However he says it's not an easy way to make a living. "I've calculated it all out and between writing the jokes, telling the jokes, making the signs, and filming my internet series Park Jokes, I have been working 80-85 hours a week," said Schneider.

"So if people think that I have fallen into easy money they are mistaken.

"This is by far the hardest job I have ever had - and I have worked as a waiter at a catering hall - but I do it happily because I consider it the best job in the world."

Source: newslite